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Step 1: The image below portrays the Index Performance portlet for the “Manufacturing Projects” portfolio.

Step 2: Select the “Customize” link from the dashboard, scroll to the “Project Performance” section.

Step 2a: Select “Index Performance” & then select the indices that you want to display.

Step 3: From the “Administer” menu select “My Preferences” to identify your Performance Threshholds.

Step 4: The portfolio displayed below indicates that the Schedule Performance Index is Critical. In other words, this portfolio overall has not accomplished or earned enough work as of this point in the schedule.

Step 4a: There are 2 problem projects: Deerfield & Melrose. We will explore Melrose by clicking on the project link to drill down to the WBS elements to determine where the problem exists.

Step 5: The screen shot below indicates that there are 2 problem WBS elements: Office Building Addition & Conveyor System. We will drill down from the Office Building Addition to view the children WBS elements.

Step 6: After drilling down within the Office Building WBS element, we can see that the Interior Finishes WBS is encountering problems.