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 Primavera Contract Manager



Wouldn’t it be lovely if each of our problems would line up one-by-one? With Primavera Contract Manager, instead of trying to solve all of your project problems at once, you’re able to stay in control…

Solve the problem-

It happens in every job. A problem, a misunderstanding, or a difference of opinion is discussed, reviewed, and debated, and eventually it affects people throughout the project with new or amended documents and weeks of involvement. With the issues management functionality in Contract Manager, no issue goes unresolved or unrecorded. Documents are tied together to create an electronic file that compiles what happened and when and enables the project team to maintain an accurate history of events (Oracle).

Contract Manager offers two types of approval processing- a standard process when simple approval is required based on the documents To and From vendors, and a configurable workflow routing process. Contract Manager’s document routing process is designed to be flexible enough to be compatible with an organization’s standard business processes yet easy enough to use that companies can be up and running quickly.

At MSS Inc., we provide hands-on training for Contract Manager web-based solution. During a three-day course, participants will learn project cost control and document management.

Controlling changes involves notifying and coordinating affected project participants as well as containing the costs and schedule for the project. Contract Manager provides an overview of each change—from the estimate phase to final approval—for both budgeted and committed costs. Because the change process in a project differs with the nature of the change and the company’s process for recording and tracking changes, the change management functionality lets you create a customized workflow to meet the change management needs of your company.

Contract Manager gives you a better way to track the change process, create supporting documentation, and analyze the financial and schedule effects a change may have at any stage in the negotiation process (Oracle).

Certified Trainers-

MSS Inc. has developed  Primavera Contract Manager training courses, which are delivered by MSS Inc. Certified Trainers that have been widely accepted throughout our customer base. However, we recognize that your training needs may be unique. Please feel free to contact us to create a customized, role-based training curriculum to meet your specific business goals – at your facilities or ours.

Earn Valuable PDUs to Maintain Your PMP® Certification.

Primavera is a PMI Global Registered Education Provider. Individuals who attend our training courses for its project management software now earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain their PMP® credential. Each day of classroom training qualifies the participant for 6.5 PDUs.

Call us to set up a personalized business training course (800) 931-1582. Take control of you project now with Contract Manager!