Step 1: Access the ”Project Workspace” & select the “Customize” option to include the Over-allocated Resources portlet on the workspace
Step 2: Review the resources listed in the Over-allocated Resources portlet
Step 2a. Select one of the resources to view the details
Step 2b. After selecting a resource, the “Team Usage” window will be displayed allowing the user to view the resource profile for the selected resource or all resources assigned to the project
Step 3: Review the Resource Profile for the over-allocated resource
Step 3a. Histogram view will graphically depict the allocations for both the current project as well as ther projects
Step 3b. Allocations are displayed by time period & over-allocations are displayed as Red
Step 3c. This enables the user to identify when the resource will be over-allocated and the portion of those allocations attributable to the current project
Step 4: The “Team Usage” window can also be displayed as a spreadsheet
Step 4a. Lists allocations for the selected resource in a time-distributed manner displaying over-allocated units in red
Step 4b. Allocations will be listed for each project to which the resource has been allocated
Step 4c. The project can be selected (by clicking the hyperlink) to view the specific activities to which the resource has been assigned (see step 5)