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Primavera P6 Training


In today’s tutorial, we are going to discuss one of our older training videos that outlines how to use weighted steps to calculate an activity’s percent complete.

The activitiy’s percent complete shows the status of an activity and how far away it is from completion. Each of the activity’s steps are a breakdown of all tasks required to complete the activity. Steps can be assigned a numerical weight that shows the portion of an activity’s total work that each step represents. The calculation is based on the relative weight of the completed steps compared to it’s unweighted steps.

Step 1: Highlight the activity that you wish to trackStep 2: Add steps to the the activity. This can be done manually or by clicking the add from template button, which will trigger a list of pre-defined list of step templates

Note: When each step is completed, the activity’s percentage complete changes to reflect the completion each individual weighted step

Step 3: Now that you have an activty with steps, access the project window from the activity bar

Step 4: Click on the calculations tab in the project’s details window

Step 5: Check the activty percent complete box and answer yes to the prompt

Step 6: Navigate back to the activites window and click on the general tab

Step 7: Find the “use percent complete type” option and choose PHYSICAL

Step 8: Navigate to the steps tab and enter the relative weights for each step in the activity

Step 9: When a step is complete, update the weighted step’s status by checking the box marked COMPLETE

Once you have completed a step, the activity’s percent complete will change to reflect the step completed.

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